Imagen: Wikipedia |
Wikipedia es la Enciclopedia más grande del mundo y está construida de
manera colaborativa por miles de editores. El objetivo fundamental de
Wikipedia es crear una Enciclopedia que sea fuente de información
libremente disponible. Es decir, cualquier persona puede aportar a los
contenidos que faltan o estén erróneos. Sin embargo, no puedes garantizar
la validez absoluta de la información que encuentres ahí.
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"Guía básica de cómo usar Wikipedia." Fundacion
mercator vol., n. (2006).:
Wikipedia es la Enciclopedia más grande del mundo y está construida de
manera colaborativa por miles de editores. El objetivo fundamental de
Wikipedia es crear una Enciclopedia que sea fuente de información
libremente disponible. Es decir, cualquier persona puede aportar a los
contenidos que faltan o estén erróneos. Sin embargo, no puedes garantizar
la validez absoluta de la información que encuentres ahí.
"7 things you should know about... Wikipedia."
Educase vol., n. (2007). pp.:
Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia that anyone can add to or edit.
The site was launched in early 2001 and has since grown to include
millions of articles in dozens of languages. Despite concerns about the
quality of openly editable information, Wikipedia has become one of the
most popular online resourcesstatistics put Wikipedia as the eighth
most-visited Web site in the United States, behind sites such as Yahoo,
Google, MySpace, and eBay. Article topics range from the very broad to
the highly specific, and the site offers tools to organize information
into various content areassuch as “academic disciplines” and
“glossaries”with numerous topic breakdowns within each category. Each
article contains any number of links to other Wikipedia articles or to
external resources.
"Wikipedia En Español: Un impulso necesario."
Diariocrítico del ocio vol., n. (2007). pp.:
breve tutorial no pretende más que ser un referencia sencilla y cómoda
para comenzar a editar artículos. Los hay mucho más completos y a medida
que te familiarices con el sistema, tú mismo buscarás cómo mejorar las
"Physicists slam publisher over Wikipedia copyright
rules." The New Scientist vol. 197, n. 2647
(2008). pp. 6.
scientific publishers prevent scientists from posting parts of their work
to the online encyclopaedia, but one group of physicists want to change
Wikipedia and wikis as forums of information literacy
instruction in schools.
IFLA 2012 Congress Satellite Meeting.
Tampere, IFLA.
City of Tampere and the University of Tampere are cooperating on the
ongoing “Tieto haltuun” information literacy (IL) project to develop and
study new types of IL learning assignments applying social media tools.
The overall goal of the study was to learn how writing articles for
Wikipedia (a public wiki) and for the school’s own wiki can serve as a
learning assignment in information literacy instruction. In this paper we
report how a library visit as one element of the course programme
affected students’ information behaviour. We wanted to find out how a
special IL session in the library can help students to expand the types
of sources used. One aim was to investigate how students’ tendency to
write in their own words instead of copy-pasting and to cite sources
appropriately instead of plagiarizing is associated with the type of
sources used. Through the case courses we aimed to collect experiences of
good practices in IL instruction organized as a collaborative effort on
the part of librarians and teachers. We found that the IL session
organized in the local library substantially increased the use of books
as sources in writing the articles. The students used sources differently
in differently designed assignments. The groups of students writing
focused Wikipedia articles used more printed sources, wrote more in their
own words and also summarised and synthesised more information from
sources than the groups of students writing on more extensive topics for
the school’s wiki. The lessons learned from the project are discussed
both from the teachers’ and librarian’s perspectives.
Alonso-Arévalo, J., J.-A. Cordón-García, et al.
transformación de la Encyclopaedia Britannica: ¿el Efecto
Wikipedia?" Infoconexión: Revista Chilena de
Bibliotecología vol., n. mazo (2012). pp.:
Marzo de 2012 una de las obra más emblemáticas de todos los tiempos, la
Encyclopaedia Britannica anunció el paso definitivo de lo analógico a lo
digital. Después de 244 años de existencia física, nacida en plena
Ilustración, asociada a los principales acontecimientos históricos de su
tiempo, ensalzada por los intelectuales más renombrados, como Einstein o
Borges, generadora de un modelo original de acceso al conocimiento, la
Britannica emprende un camino sin retorno.
Amat, C. B.
"Wikipedia." El Profesional de la
Información vol., n. (2007). pp. 118-122.
Wikipedia can be considered as a registry of tacit knowledge. From a
formal point of view, it has the appearace of an alphabetical
encyclopaedia. From the point of view of the information architecture, is
a set ot textual data bases. From a functional point of view, a mechanism
for transforming implicit individual information into public
Asadi, S., S. Ghafghazi, et al.
"Motivating and discouraging
factors for Wikipedians: the case study of Persian Wikipedia."
Library Review vol. 62, n. 4 (2013). pp. 237-252.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate how Wikipedians are
motivated, or discouraged, to contribute to Farsi (Persian) Wikipedia.
Design/methodology/approach – In this grounded theory study, face-to-face
semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of 15 active
users of Persian Wikipedia. The interviews then were transcribed and
coded using Strauss and Corbin's method which included constant
comparison of data. Findings – Editing and writing incentives, as well as
deterrents, were extracted from the data. Findings indicated that
motivating factors can be classified into two categories of internal and
external. Internal motivations could be individual or cognitive
motivations or be related to Wikipedia structure. Also, some factors such
as permanent access to the internet can be considered as external
motivations for contribution to Wikipedia. On the other hand, content
production and improvement of Wikipedia in local language was the
strongest reason for contribution; entertainment was the weakest
motivation. Positive feedback from other users can be the strongest
factor that encourages users to stay in Wikipedia and continue their
contribution. Originality/value – This is the first study on Persian
Wikipedia and one of the few qualitative studies on Wikipedia. It
proposes a new categorization of encouraging and discouraging factors for
Bar-Ilan, J.
"Web Links and Search Engine Ranking: the Case of
Google and the Query 'Jew'." Journal of the American
Society for Information Science and Technology vol. 57, n. 12
(2006). pp.:
World Wide Web has become one of our more important information sources,
and commercial search engines are the major tools for locating
information; however, it is not enough for a Web page to be indexed by
the search engines-it also must rank high on relevant queries. One of the
parameters involved in ranking is the number and quality of links
pointing to the page, based on the assumption that links convey
appreciation for a page. This article presents the results of a content
analysis of the links to two top pages retrieved by Google for the query
'jew' as of July 2004: the 'jew' entry on the free online encyclopedia
Wikipedia, and the home page of 'Jew Watch,' a highly anti-Semitic site.
The top results for the query 'jew' gained public attention in April
2004, when it was noticed that the 'Jew Watch' homepage ranked number 1.
From this point on, both sides engaged in 'Googlebombing' (i.e.,
increasing the number of links pointing to these pages). The results of
the study show that most of the links to these pages come from blogs and
discussion links, and the number of links pointing to these pages in
appreciation of their content is extremely small. These findings have
implications for ranking algorithms based on link counts, and emphasize
the huge difference between Web links and citations in the scientific
Black, E. W.
"Wikipedia and academic peer review: Wikipedia as a
recognised medium for scholarly publication?" Online
Information Review vol. 32, n. 1 (2008). pp. 73-88.
purpose of this paper is to engage in a thought experiment, exploring the
use of Wikipedia or similar content-malleable systems for the review and
dissemination of academic knowledge. Design/methodology/approach – By
looking at other sources, the paper considers the current state of the
academic peer-review process, discusses Wikipedia and reflects on dynamic
content creation and management applications currently in use in
academia. Findings – The traditional peer review process must be updated
to match the rapid creation and diffusion of knowledge that characterises
the 21st century. The Wikipedia concept is a potential model for more
rapid and reliable dissemination of scholarly knowledge. The implications
of such a concept would have a dramatic effect on the academic community.
Originality/value – This paper promotes a radical idea for changing the
methods by which academic knowledge is both constructed and
Bryant, S., A. Forte, et al.
"Becoming Wikipedian: Transformation
of Participation in a Collaborative Online Encyclopedia."
GROUP International Conference on Supporting Group Work
vol., n. (2005). pp.:
Traditional activities change in surprising ways when computermediated
communication becomes a component of the activity system. In this
descriptive study, we leverage two perspectives on social activity to
understand the experiences of individuals who became active collaborators
in Wikipedia, a prolific, cooperatively-authored online encyclopedia.
Legitimate peripheral participation provides a lens for understanding
participation in a community as an adaptable process that evolves over
time. We use ideas from activity theory as a framework to describe our
results. Finally, we describe how activity on the Wikipe dia stands in
striking contrast to traditional publishing and suggests a new paradigm
for collaborative systems.
Caraco, A.
"Wikipédia: une encyclopédie libre, gratuite et écrite
coopérativement." Bulletin des bibliothèques de
France vol. 49, n. 6 (2004). pp.:
Collection encyclopédique elle-même, la bibliothèque publique est depuis
toujours un lieu de consultation des encyclopédies. Wikipédia est une
encyclopédie libre, gratuite et écrite coopérativement. À première vue,
ce projet paraît nettement utopiste, voire critiquable. Pourtant,
international et multilingue, il fonctionne et connaît une croissance
rapide. Il utilise la technologie Wiki et est publié sous licence de
documentation libre. D'ici quelques années, voire quelques mois,
Wikipédia pourrait avoir une place importante dans les bibliothèques. Les
bibliothécaires francophones pourraient l'améliorer en y
Cho, H., M. Chen, et al.
"Testing an integrative theoretical
model of knowledge-sharing behavior in the context of
Wikipedia." Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology vol. 61, n. 6 (2010).
study explores how and why people participate in collaborative
knowledge-building practices in the context of Wikipedia. Based on a
survey of 223 Wikipedians, this study examines the relationship between
motivations, internal cognitive beliefs, social-relational factors, and
knowledge-sharing intentions. Results from structural equation modeling
(SEM) analysis reveal that attitudes, knowledge self-efficacy, and a
basic norm of generalized reciprocity have significant and direct
relationships with knowledge-sharing intentions. Altruism (an intrinsic
motivator) is positively related to attitudes toward knowledge sharing,
whereas reputation (an extrinsic motivator) is not a significant
predictor of attitude. The study also reveals that a social-relational
factor, namely, a sense of belonging, is related to knowledge-sharing
intentions indirectly through different motivational and social factors
such as altruism, subjective norms, knowledge self-efficacy, and
generalized reciprocity. Implications for future research and practice
are discussed.
Cho, H., M. Chen, et al.
"Testing an integrative theoretical
model of knowledge-sharing behavior in the context of
Wikipedia." Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology vol. 61, n. 6 (2010).
pp. 1198-1212.
study explores how and why people participate in collaborative
knowledge-building practices in the context of Wikipedia. Based on a
survey of 223 Wikipedians, this study examines the relationship between
motivations, internal cognitive beliefs, social-relational factors, and
knowledge-sharing intentions. Results from structural equation modeling
(SEM) analysis reveal that attitudes, knowledge self-efficacy, and a
basic norm of generalized reciprocity have significant and direct
relationships with knowledge-sharing intentions. Altruism (an intrinsic
motivator) is positively related to attitudes toward knowledge sharing,
whereas reputation (an extrinsic motivator) is not a significant
predictor of attitude. The study also reveals that a social-relational
factor, namely, a sense of belonging, is related to knowledge-sharing
intentions indirectly through different motivational and social factors
such as altruism, subjective norms, knowledge self-efficacy, and
generalized reciprocity. Implications for future research and practice
are discussed.
Cordón-García, J. A., J. Alonso-Arévalo, et al.
"Cap. 9 Las
enciclopedias: el caso particular de la wikipedia." En:
Las nuevas fuentes de información: información y búsqueda documental en
el contexto de la web 2.0." Madrid: Pirámide, 2010 vol., n.
(2010 ). pp. 237-250. TD/002 COR nue
enciclopedias, fuentes de información directa, son las obras de
referencia por excelencia utilizadas para adquirir información sobre
prácticamente cualquier tema. Malclés (1985) las definió como obras de
síntesis que informan de los conocimientos adquiridos por la humanidad en
un momento de su historia. Esta definición de 1985 implica una visión
fotográfica del conocimiento en un momento determinado, cuestión que como
veremos más adelante está cambiando gracias a los nuevos modos de crear
información enciclopédica. Las enciclopedias presenta una cobertura
temática diversa: las hay generales, como es el caso de la Enciclopedia
Británica y también especializadas como las
enciclopedias de Medicina, Filosofía, Arte... por citar algunos ejemplos.
En cuanto a su formato las hay electrónicas e impresas.
Devgan, L., N. Powe, et al.
"Wiki-Surgery? Internal validity of
Wikipedia as a medical and surgical reference: Abstracts for the 62nd
Annual Sessions of the Forum on Fundamental Surgical Problems, The
American College of Surgeons 93rd Annual Clinical Congress."
Journal of the American College of Surgeons vol. 205, n. 3,
Supplement 1 (2007). pp. S76-S77.
the burgeoning popularity of the internet, patients are increasingly
using web-based search engines to learn about their medical and surgical
problems. Wikipedia® is the world’s 12th most popular website and the
most widely read of such sources. Despite Wikipedia®’s popularity, little
is known about the accuracy of its health-related content.
Dueñas Guzmán, M. and A. Camacho Martínez
"Wikipedia: ¿metáfora
de la sociedad del conocimiento?"
Infomediosdigital vol., n. (2008). pp.:
“Aunque la programación computadorizada es fácil, la cultura es difícil”.
Esta observación fue vertida por un estudioso de Wikipedia, la
enciclopedia cibernética de libre acceso que ha ganado millones de
adeptos desde su surgimiento en el 2001. A medida que ha aumentado su
popularidadya tiene versiones en 250 idiomas y en Estados Unidos es el
sitio de Internet que más se visita las críticas han arreciado por su
política de permitir a cualquiera añadir información nueva o alterar la
existente. ¿Qué ocurre con la confiabilidad de la información de un texto
que pretende resumir el saber humano cuando se depende exclusivamente de
centenares de autores anónimos para la adición y revisión de contenido?
Más allá de contestar esta interrogante, las diversas respuestas permiten
explorar características y perspectivas de la emergente sociedad del
conocimiento, o sea de las dificultades del cambio cultural.
Eijkman, H.
"Web 2.0 as a non-foundational network-centric
learning space." Campus-Wide Information Systems
vol. 25, n. 2 (2008). pp. 93-104.
paper aims to initiate a timely discussion about the epistemological
advantages of Web 2.0 as a non-foundational network-centric learning
space in higher education. Design/methodology/approach – A philosophical
analysis of the underpinning design principles of Web 2.0 social media
and of conventional “foundational” and emergent “non-foundational”
learning and which uses Wikipedia as a case study. Findings – For
academics in higher education to take a more informed approach to the use
of Web 2.0 in formal learning settings and begin to consider integrating
Web 2.0's architecture of participation with a non-foundational
architecture of learning, focused on acculturation into networks of
practice. Practical implications – The paper argues that the continuing
dominance and therefore likely application of conventional old paradigm
foundational learning theory will work against the grain of, if not
undermine, the powerful affordances Web 2.0 social media provides for
learning focused on social interaction and collaborative knowledge
construction. The paper puts the case for non-foundational learning and
draws attention to the importance of aligning Web 2.0's architecture of
participation with a non-foundational architecture of acculturation as
the latter is better epistemologically placed to more fully realise the
potential of Web 2.0 to position students on trajectories of
acculturation into their new networks of practice. Originality/value –
This paper exposes the epistemological dilemma Web 2.0's participatory
culture poses for academics wedded to conventional ideas about the nature
of knowledge and learning as is, for instance, clearly evidenced by their
sceptical disposition towards or outright rejection of,
Estrutura Galega de, C.
"Proposta de uso didactico da Wikipedia
nas clases de lingua." Estrutura Galega de
Contidos vol., n. (2006). pp.:
proposta que se presenta neste documento está inicialmente pensada para a
clase de Lingua Galega e Literatura da ESO, pero pode ser adaptada a
outros niveis educativos e ao estudo doutros idiomas, dado que Wikipedia
está dispoñible en galego, en castelán, en inglés, en francés, en alemán
e en portugués, ademais de noutras linguas que non se imparten
actualmente no marco do noso sistema educativo
Fallis, D.
"Toward an epistemology of
Wikipedia." Journal of the American
Society for Information Science and Technology vol. 59, n. 10
(2008). pp. 1662-1674.
Wikipedia (the ldquofree online encyclopedia that anyone can editrdquo)
is having a huge impact on how a great many people gather information
about the world. So, it is important for epistemologists and information
scientists to ask whether people are likely to acquire knowledge as a
result of having access to this information source. In other words, is
Wikipedia having good epistemic consequences? After surveying the various
concerns that have been raised about the reliability of Wikipedia, this
article argues that the epistemic consequences of people using Wikipedia
as a source of information are likely to be quite good. According to
several empirical studies, the reliability of Wikipedia compares
favorably to the reliability of traditional encyclopedias. Furthermore,
the reliability of Wikipedia compares even more favorably to the
reliability of those information sources that people would be likely to
use if Wikipedia did not exist (viz., Web sites that are as freely and
easily accessible as Wikipedia). In addition, Wikipedia has a number of
other epistemic virtues (e.g., power, speed, and fecundity) that arguably
outweigh any deficiency in terms of reliability. Even so, epistemologists
and information scientists should certainly be trying to identify changes
(or alternatives) to Wikipedia that will bring about even better
epistemic consequences. This article suggests that to improve Wikipedia,
we need to clarify what our epistemic values are and to better understand
why Wikipedia works as well as it does.The Economist
Fallis, D.
"Toward an epistemology of Wikipedia."
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology vol. 59, n. 10 (2008). pp.:
Wikipedia (the 'free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit') is having
a huge impact on how a great many people gather information about the
world. So, it is important for epistemologists and information scientists
to ask whether people are likely to acquire knowledge as a result of
having access to this information source. In other words, is Wikipedia
having good epistemic consequences? After surveying the various concerns
that have been raised about the reliability of Wikipedia, this article
argues that the epistemic consequences of people using Wikipedia as a
source of information are likely to be quite good. According to several
empirical studies, the reliability of Wikipedia compares favorably to the
reliability of traditional encyclopedias. Furthermore, the reliability of
Wikipedia compares even more favorably to the reliability of those
information sources that people would be likely to use if Wikipedia did
not exist (viz., Web sites that are as freely and easily accessible as
Wikipedia). In addition, Wikipedia has a number of other epistemic
virtues (e.g., power, speed, and fecundity) that arguably outweigh any
deficiency in terms of reliability. Even so, epistemologists and
information scientists should certainly be trying to identify changes (or
alternatives) to Wikipedia that will bring about even better epistemic
consequences. This article suggests that to improve Wikipedia, we need to
clarify what our epistemic values are and to better understand why
Wikipedia works as well as it does.The Economist
Forte, A.
"Social Science Research and Wikipedia. Delivered at
2006 International Symposium on Wikis (WikiSym 2006), Odense (Denmark).
Presentation." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information
Science vol., n. (2006). pp.:
presentation was held at the First Workshop on Wikipedia Research. It
gives an introduction into Social Science Research for Wikipedia
Forte, A. and A. Bruckman
"Why Do People Write for Wikipedia?
Incentives to Contribute to Open-Content Publishing."
Sustaining Community vol., n. (2005). pp.:
people learn that we have spoken to individuals who spend up to 30 hours
a week volunteering their time to research and write for an open-content
encyclopedia, we often hear the same question: “Why do they do it?“ The
fact that this encyclopedia does not provide bylines to credit authors
for their hard work makes the scenario still less fathomable. Two rounds
of interviews with 22 volunteer encyclopedia writers in the fall of 2004
and spring of 2005 revealed that, in some respects, the incentive system
that motivates contributions to the opencontent encyclopedia Wikipedia
resembles that of the scientific community. Like scientists, contributors
to Wikipedia seek to collaboratively identify and publish true facts
about the world. Research on the sociology of science provides a useful
touchstone for considering the incentive systems embedded in the
technology and culture of online communities of collaborative authorship.
In this paper we describe some of our findings in the context of Latour
and Woolgar’s seminal work on the incentive systems that motivate
publishing scientists. We suggest that minimizing reliance on “hard
coded,“ stratified user privileges and providing indicators of engagement
in desirable activities can help support the growth of incentive
Forte, A. and A. Bruckman
"From Wikipedia to the Classroom:
Exploring Online Publication and Learning." International
Conference of the Learning Sciences vol., n. (2006). pp.:
Wikipedia represents an intriguing new publishing paradigmcan it be used
to engage students in authentic collaborative writing activities? How can
we design wiki publishing tools and curricula to support learning among
student authors? We suggest that wiki publishing environments can create
learning opportunities that address four dimensions of authenticity:
personal, real world, disciplinary, and assessment. We have begun a
series of design studies to investigate links between wiki publishing
experiences and writing-to-learn. The results of an initial study in an
undergraduate government course indicate that perceived audience plays an
important role in helping students monitor the quality of writing;
however, students’ perception of audience on the Internet is not
straightforward. This preliminary iteration resulted in several
guidelines that are shaping efforts to design and implement new wiki
publishing tools and curricula for students and teachers.
Forte, A. and A. Bruckman
"Scaling consensus: increasing
decentralization in Wikipedia governance." Hawaiian
International Conference of Systems Sciences (HICSS) vol., n.
(2007). pp.:
does “self-governance” happen in Wikipedia? Through in-depth interviews
with eleven individuals who have held a variety of responsibilities in
the English Wikipedia, we obtained rich descriptions of how various
forces produce and regulate social structures on the site. Our analysis
describes Wikipedia as an organization with highly refined policies,
norms, and a technological architecture that supports organizational
ideals of consensus building and discussion. We describe how governance
in the site is becoming increasingly decentralized as the community grows
and how this is predicted by theories of commons-based governance
developed in offline contexts. The trend of decentralization is
noticeable with respect to both content-related decision making processes
and social structures that regulate user behavior
Forte, A. and A. Bruckman
"Information Literacy in the Age of
Wikipedia." Symposium on Learning and Research in the Web
2 Era: Opportunities for Research vol. 2, n. (2008). pp.:
Symposium on Learning and Research in the Web 2 Era: Opportunities for
does “self-governance” happen in Wikipedia? Through in-depth interviews
with eleven individuals who have held a variety of responsibilities in
the English Wikipedia, we obtained rich descriptions of how various
forces produce and regulate social structures on the site. Our analysis
describes Wikipedia as an organization with highly refined policies,
norms, and a technological architecture that supports organizational
ideals of consensus building and discussion. We describe how governance
in the site is becoming increasingly decentralized as the community grows
and how this is predicted by theories of commons-based governance
developed in offline contexts. The trend of decentralization is
noticeable with respect to both content-related decision making processes
and social structures that regulate user behavior.
Ganjisaffar, Y., S. Javanmardi, et al.
"Leveraging Crowdsourcing
Heuristics to Improve Search in Wikipedia." WikiSym
’09, vol., n. (2009). pp.:
Wikipedia articles are usually accompanied with history pages, categories
and talk pages. The meta{data available in these pages can be analyzed to
gain a better understanding of the content and quality of the articles.
We analyze the quality of search results of the current major Web search
engines (Google, Yahoo! and Live) in Wikipedia. We discuss how the rich
meta{data available in wiki pages can be used to provide better search
results in Wikipedia. We investigate the e ect of incorporating the
extent of review of an article into ranking of search results. The extent
of review is measured by the number of distinct editors who have
contributed to the articles and is extracted by processing Wikipedia's
history pages. Our experimental results show that re{ranking search
results of the three major Web search engines, using the review feature,
improves quality of their rankings for Wikipedia searches.
García Arias, J. and S. Guío Mena
Universidad Carlos III vol., n. (2006). pp.:
“Wiki”, termino que se extiende por Internet a la velocidad del rayo.
Todo lo wiki está de moda y se ha vuelto muy popular por su relación con
el usuario. Por parte de los servicios de Internet se busca rapidez,
sencillez y una mayor interacción del usuario. Y el usuario por su parte
quiere participar, formar parte del producto final, opinar y dejar
constancia en la red. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un estudio
tecnológico y sociológico del fenómeno “wiki” en concreto sobre el site
“Wikipedia: la enciclopedia libre”. La Wikipedia, ha sido quizás el
resultado más beneficioso para la comunidad de Internet a partir de la
ideología wiki, pues desde su inicio ha demostrado que ha sido el mejor
medio para la consecución del proyecto de una enciclopedia
Giaccai, S. (2013, 2013/10//
2013/10/28/12:49:41). "
Wikipedia: un esempio di alleanze delle
biblioteche." from
Descrizione dei risultati ottenuti dal gruppo di lavoro di bibliotecari e
wikipediani aulla condivisione di open data bibliografici con Wikipedia.
In particolare il collegamento tra Wikipedia e VIAF e il Thesaurus della
Biblioteca nazionale di Firenze.
Giles, J.
"Wikipedia 2.0, with added trust." The
New Scientist vol. 195, n. 2622 (2007). pp. 28-29.
online encyclopedia is set to trial two systems aimed at boosting
readers' confidence in its accuracy
Gorman, G. E.
"A tale of information ethics and encyclopædias;
or, is Wikipedia just another internet scam?" Online
Information Review vol. 31, n. 3 (2007). pp. 273-276.
paper seeks to look at the question of accuracy of content regarding
Wikipedia and other internet encyclopædias. Design/methodology/approach –
By looking at other sources, the paper considers whether the information
contained within Wikipedia can be relied on to be accurate. Findings –
Wikipedia poses as an encyclopædia when by no stretch of the definition
can it be termed such; therefore, it should be subject to regulation.
Originality/value – The paper highlights the issue that, without
regulation, content cannot be relied on to be accurate.
Hsin-liang, C.
"The use and sharing of information from Wikipedia
by high-tech professionals for work purposes." The
Electronic Library vol. 27, n. 6 (2009). pp. 893-905.
Purpose – The aim of this paper is to focus on discovering whether
high-tech professionals as a user community search for information from
Wikipedia to fulfill their job duties and, if they do, how they share
information with co-workers and clients. Design/methodology/approach – An
online questionnaire was used, administered by a commercial provider. The
questionnaire consisted of 15 Likert-scaled questions to assess
participants' agreement with each question along with an optional
open-ended explanation. A total of 68 participants successfully answered
the questionnaire. Participants' Likert rating scores were analyzed by
two-way ANOVA, one-way ANOVA and correlational analyses using SPSS.
Findings – The analyses examined relationships among participants'
characteristics, their use of information resources for research and
teaching, information-sharing behaviors, and use/non-use of Wikipedia.
Findings indicated that the participants treated Wikipedia as a ready
reference for general information. Their concern is that Wikipedia only
has a limited number of entries available at this point. They suggested
that Wikipedia needed to improve the contribution and editorial process
and to make it more rigorous. Originality/value – Personal information
infrastructure affects how the high-tech professionals surveyed
use-and-share information from Wikipedia for work. In the current
situation, the participants consider Wikipedia to be a developing
information resource and show less interest in contributing to it. The
project is an exploratory study and more considerations are needed for
this research area.
Jacobs, M. L.
"Libraries and the mobile revolution:
remediation=relevance." Reference Services Review
vol. 37, n. 3 (2009). pp. 286-290.
purpose of this paper is to look at the big picture of where academic
libraries fit into the mobile revolution. Design/methodology/approach –
Using Jim Hahn's accompanying article, “On the remediation of Wikipedia
and the iPod,” the author comments on what remediation means for the
academic library culture as a whole. The reflections are based on
observations of current trends in technology and the emergence of a
mobile culture. A definition of this generation of library users is
suggested – the ING (information now generation). Editorial in nature,
the paper also discusses some new technologies and how they might be
applicable to the technological growth of libraries. Findings – This
reflection of current trends encourages librarians to look/listen,
explore, apply, prevail when it comes to applying emerging technologies
to the library world. Originality/value – The paper offers insights into
how librarians can prepare themselves for the “Remediation
Jim, H.
"On the remediation of Wikipedia to the iPod."
Reference Services Review vol. 37, n. 3 (2009). pp.
purpose of this paper is to present the results of a usability study of
information search on mobile devices, seeking to understand mobile
computing best practice in the design of library services. Three
second-year undergraduate students took part in this semester long study.
They are loaned iPods with a Wikipedia copy to use as desired. Usability
data are drawn from search logs recording titles of the articles searched
and an internet-based survey completed by students. Students characterize
the nature of information searched for on the Wikipedia iPods as
recreational. Students did not utilize the iPods for academic research.
Search logs show students viewed articles primarily about objects. The
results of this paper do not show generalized principles of mobile
search. More data collected from additional sets of users are needed in
order to articulate principles of mobile search. If it is the case that
students will primarily make use of mobile computing for recreational or
leisurely purposes then library services on mobile computing platforms
must be designed accordingly. The paper presents methods for the study of
information search though mobile computing and poses questions resulting
from this paper that require further study.
Jim, H.
"Information seeking with Wikipedia on the iPod
Touch." Reference Services Review vol. 38, n. 2
(2010). pp. 284-298.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a
usability study which inquired into undergraduate student information
seeking with Wikipedia on the iPod touch. Design/methodology/approach –
Data are drawn from iPod search logs and student survey responses. Search
log data are coded with FRBR subject entities (group 3 entity sets) for
analysis. Findings – Students characterize the overall nature of
information searched for with the Wikipedia app to be for recreational
and for short factual information. Recreational searching as a way in
which undergraduate students utilize mobile technology is an earlier
finding of Wikipedia iPod usage, and is verified as a trend of
undergraduate student search using the iPod. All undergraduate student
participants of the Wikipedia app on a mobile interface report this tool
as helping to become more efficient in their research. Students viewed
Wikipedia articles about people and concepts more so than other article
types. Originality/value – Undergraduate student mobile search log
analysis over a specific type of information resource on the iPod Touch
is an original usability project. Previous mobile search log analysis
analyzes thousands of unknown users and millions of anonymous queries,
where the devices used for searching are not always identifiable and
trends about touch screens cannot be ascertained.
Jiménez-Pelayo, J.
"Wikipedia como vocabulario controlado: ¿está
superado el control de autoridades tradicional?" El
Profesional de la Información vol. 18, n. 2 (2009). pp.
Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre, es el primer proyecto específicamente
nacido desde y para la Web que ha desarrollado un sistema de control de
autoridades para el acceso a su información. En este trabajo se analizan
los elementos, procedimientos y principios que lo constituyen, y se traza
una analogía crítica entre éstos y los que conforman el control de
autoridades tradicional aplicado a los catálogos bibliográficos. A partir
de la comparación crítica de ambos modelos se plantea hasta qué punto el
control de autoridades bibliotecario, esclerotizado por el peso de la
tradición y por su nula adaptación a la tecnología, ha sido superado por
proyectos como el de Wikipedia, que parten de una filosofía de la
flexibilidad y el sentido común, y donde las normas se deciden por y para
el usuario. El enorme potencial y alcance del modelo de autoridades de
Wikipedia hacen que se perfile como el gran candidato a convertirse en el
sistema de acceso normalizado a la web semántica.
Joorabchi, A. and A. E. Mahdi
"Classification of scientific
publications according to library controlled vocabularies: A new concept
matching-based approach." Library Hi Tech vol. 31,
n. 4 (2013). pp. 725-747.
Purpose – This paper aims to report on the design and development of a
new approach for automatic classification and subject indexing of
research documents in scientific digital libraries and repositories (DLR)
according to library controlled vocabularies such as DDC and FAST.
Design/methodology/approach – The proposed concept matching-based
approach (CMA) detects key Wikipedia concepts occurring in a document and
searches the OPACs of conventional libraries via querying the WorldCat
database to retrieve a set of MARC records which share one or more of the
detected key concepts. Then the semantic similarity of each retrieved
MARC record to the document is measured and, using an inference
algorithm, the DDC classes and FAST subjects of those MARC records which
have the highest similarity to the document are assigned to it. Findings
– The performance of the proposed method in terms of the accuracy of the
DDC classes and FAST subjects automatically assigned to a set of research
documents is evaluated using standard information retrieval measures of
precision, recall, and F1. The authors demonstrate the superiority of the
proposed approach in terms of accuracy performance in comparison to a
similar system currently deployed in a large scale scientific search
engine. Originality/value – The proposed approach enables the development
of a new type of subject classification system for DLR, and addresses
some of the problems similar systems suffer from, such as the problem of
imbalanced training data encountered by machine learning-based systems,
and the problem of word-sense ambiguity encountered by string
matching-based systems.
Kim, J.-M., H. Shin, et al.
"Schema and constraints-based
matching and merging of Topic Maps." Information
Processing & Management vol. 43, n. 4 (2007). pp.
and constraints-based matching and merging of Topic Maps
Korfiatis, N. T., M. Poulos, et al.
"Evaluating authoritative
sources using social networks: an insight from Wikipedia."
Online Information Review vol. 30, n. 3 (2006). pp.
purpose of this paper is to present an approach to evaluating
contributions in collaborative authoring environments, and in particular,
Wikis using social network measures. Design/methodology/approach – A
social network model for Wikipedia has been constructed, and metrics of
importance such as centrality have been defined. Data has been gathered
from articles belonging to the same topic using a web crawler, in order
to evaluate the outcome of the social network measures in the articles.
Findings – Finds that the question of the reliability regarding Wikipedia
content is a challenging one and as Wikipedia grows, the problem becomes
more demanding, especially for topics with controversial views such as
politics or history. Practical implications – It is believed that the
approach presented here could be used to improve the authoritativeness of
content found in Wikipedia and similar sources. Originality/value – This
work tries to develop a network approach to the evaluation of Wiki
contributions, and approaches the problem of quality Wikipedia content
from a social network point of view.
Kr+¦tzsch, M., D. Vrande-ìi-ç, et al.
"Semantic Wikipedia: World
Wide Web Conference 2006Semantic Web Track." Web
Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web
vol. 5, n. 4 (2007). pp. 251-261.
Wikipedia is the worldGÇÖs largest collaboratively edited source of
encyclopaedic knowledge. But in spite of its utility, its content is
barely machine-interpretable and only weakly structured. With Semantic
MediaWiki we provide an extension that enables wiki-users to semantically
annotate wiki pages, based on which the wiki contents can be browsed,
searched, and reused in novel ways. In this paper, we give an extended
overview of Semantic MediaWiki and discuss experiences regarding
performance and current applications.
Kr÷tzsch, M., D. Vrandecic, et al.
"Semantic Wikipedia: World
Wide Web Conference 2006Semantic Web Track." Web
Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web
vol. 5, n. 4 (2007). pp. 251-261.
Wikipedia is the world’s largest collaboratively edited source of
encyclopaedic knowledge. But in spite of its utility, its content is
barely machine-interpretable and only weakly structured. With Semantic
MediaWiki we provide an extension that enables wiki-users to semantically
annotate wiki pages, based on which the wiki contents can be browsed,
searched, and reused in novel ways. In this paper, we give an extended
overview of Semantic MediaWiki and discuss experiences regarding
performance and current applications.
Leetaru, K. H.
"Fulltext Geocoding Versus Spatial Metadata for
Large Text Archives: Towards a Geographically Enriched
Wikipedia." D-Lib Magazine vol. 18, n. 9
(2012). pp.:
rise of "born geographic" information and the increasing
creation and mediation of information in a spatial context has given rise
to a demand for extracting and indexing the spatial information in large
textual archives. Spatial indexing of archives has traditionally been a
manual process, with human editors reading and assigning country-level
metadata indicating the major spatial focus of a document. The demand for
subnational saturation indexing of all geographic mentions in a document,
coupled with the need to scale to archives totaling hundreds of billions
of pages or those accessioning hundreds of millions of new items a day
requires automated approaches. Fulltext geocoding refers to the process
of using software algorithms to parse through a document, identify
textual mentions of locations, and using databases of places and their
approximate locations known as gazetteers, to convert those mentions into
mappable geographic coordinates. The basic workflow of a fulltext
geocoding system is presented, together with an overview of the GNS and
GNIS gazetteers that lie at the heart of nearly every global geocoding
system. Finally, a case study comparing manually-specified geographic
indexing terms versus fulltext geocoding on the English-language edition
of Wikipedia demonstrates the significant advantages of automated
approaches, including finding that previous studies of Wikipedia's
spatial focus using its human-provided spatial metadata have erroneously
identified Europe as its focal point because of bias in the underlying
Lewandowski, D. and U. Spree
"Ranking of Wikipedia articles in
search engines revisited: Fair ranking for reasonable quality?"
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology vol. 62, n. 1 (2011). pp. 117-132.
Abstract This paper aims to review the fiercely discussed question of
whether the ranking of Wikipedia articles in search engines is justified
by the quality of the articles. After an overview of current research on
information quality in Wikipedia, a summary of the extended discussion on
the quality of encyclopedic entries in general is given. On this basis, a
heuristic method for evaluating Wikipedia entries is developed and
applied to Wikipedia articles that scored highly in a search engine
retrieval effectiveness test and compared with the relevance judgment of
jurors. In all search engines tested, Wikipedia results are unanimously
judged better by the jurors than other results on the corresponding
results position. Relevance judgments often roughly correspond with the
results from the heuristic evaluation. Cases in which high relevance
judgments are not in accordance with the comparatively low score from the
heuristic evaluation are interpreted as an indicator of a high degree of
trust in Wikipedia. One of the systemic shortcomings of Wikipedia lies in
its necessarily incoherent user model. A further tuning of the suggested
criteria catalog, for instance, the different weighing of the supplied
criteria, could serve as a starting point for a user model differentiated
evaluation of Wikipedia articles. Approved methods of quality evaluation
of reference works are applied to Wikipedia articles and integrated with
the question of search engine evaluation.
Lih, A.
"Wikipedia as Participatory Journalism: Reliable Sources?
Metrics for evaluating collaborative media as a news resource."
Stargek vol., n. (2006). pp.:
Wikipedia is an Internet-based, volunteer-contributed encyclopedia that
has become a popular online reference in just three years of existence
(Figure 1). It has thousands of international contributors and is the
largest current example of an open content wiki3. (The Hawaiian word for
“quick,” WikiWiki, is the basis for the wiki name.) The goal of Wikipedia
is to create an encyclopedia that can be shared and copied freely while
encouraging people to easily change and improve the content. Each and
every article has an “Edit this page” button, allowing anyone, even
anonymous passersby, to add or delete any content on any page. What would
surely seem to create chaos has actually produced increasingly respected
content which has been evaluated and revised by the thousands of visitors
to the site over time.
Lim, S.
"How and why do college students use Wikipedia?"
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology vol. 60, n. 11 (2009). pp. 2189-2202.
purposes of this study were to explore college students' perceptions,
uses of, and motivations for using Wikipedia, and to understand their
information behavior concerning Wikipedia based on social cognitive
theory (SCT). A Web survey was used to collect data in the spring of
2008. The study sample consisted of students from an introductory
undergraduate course at a large public university in the midwestern
United States. A total of 134 students participated in the study,
resulting in a 32.8% response rate. The major findings of the study
include the following: Approximately one-third of the students reported
using Wikipedia for academic purposes. The students tended to use
Wikipedia for quickly checking facts and finding background information.
They had positive past experiences with Wikipedia; however,
interestingly, their perceptions of its information quality were not
correspondingly high. The level of their confidence in evaluating
Wikipedia's information quality was, at most, moderate. Respondents' past
experience with Wikipedia, their positive emotional state, their
disposition to believe information in Wikipedia, and information utility
were positively related to their outcome expectations of Wikipedia.
However, among the factors affecting outcome expectations, only
information utility and respondents' positive emotions toward Wikipedia
were related to their use of it. Further, when all of the independent
variables, including the mediator, outcome expectations, were considered,
only the variable information utility was related to Wikipedia use, which
may imply a limited applicability of SCT to understanding Wikipedia use.
However, more empirical evidence is needed to determine the applicability
of this theory to Wikipedia use. Finally, this study supports the
knowledge value of Wikipedia (Fallis), despite students' cautious
attitudes toward Wikipedia. The study suggests that educators and
librarians need to provide better guidelines for using Wikipedia, rather
than prohibiting Wikipedia use altogether
Lim, S. and N. Kwon
"Gender differences in information behavior
concerning Wikipedia, an unorthodox information source?"
Library & Information Science Research vol. 32, n. 3
(2010). pp. 212-220.
study examined gender differences in information behavior concerning
Wikipedia. Data were collected using a Web survey in spring 2008. The
study used a convenient sample that consisted of students who had taken
an introductory undergraduate course at a large public university in the
Midwestern United States. A total of 134 out of 409 students participated
in the study. As information consumers, male students used Wikipedia more
frequently than their female counterparts did. With respect to the
purposes of Wikipedia use, male students used Wikipedia for entertainment
or idle reading more than their female counterparts, while there were no
gender differences regarding Wikipedia use for other purposes. Male
students were more likely to discount the risks involved when using
Wikipedia information compared to their female counterparts. Furthermore,
male students had higher ratings than female students regarding most
aspects of Wikipedia, including outcome expectations, perceptions about
its information quality, belief in the Wikipedia project itself,
emotional states while using Wikipedia, confidence in evaluating
information quality, and further exploration. Finally, there was no
gender difference regarding the number of years of Wikipedia use.
However, male students reported having more positive experiences with the
information quality of Wikipedia than their female counterparts. Overall,
the findings of this study were consistent with those of previous studies
concerning gender. Given the acknowledgment of the knowledge value of
Wikipedia in recent literature, it seems that there are more advantages
to using Wikipedia than there are disadvantages. The current study shows
that male students seem to enjoy such benefits more than female students
and may have more opportunities to develop their information literacy
skills than female students by actively using Wikipedia. This suggests
that educators need to encourage female students in particular to explore
Wikipedia strategically as an initial information source so that they can
develop their information literacy skills for unconventional
Lipczynska, S.
"Power to the people: the case for
Wikipedia." Reference Reviews vol. 19, n. 2
(2005). pp. 6-7.
examine the case for the Wikipedia as a major reference tool.
Design/methodology/approach – Summarises content of the Wikipedia and
looks at the controversy its development has engendered. The controversy
is examined with reference to recent press articles and internet
postings. The aim is to look at the advantages and disadvantages of the
Wikipedia in the light of this controversy, with a view to arriving at a
balanced assessment of its value. Findings – Finds that the Wikipedia,
through its editorial and up-keep systems and ability to reflect very
recent developments, is a source of unquestioned reference value.
Research limitations/implications – The assessment of Wikipedia is brief
and the analysis of the controversy surrounding it is confined to a small
selection of recent articles and web postings. Practical implications –
This assessment provides further exposure of the newly developed
Wikipedia and contributes to the growing debate about its value and
usefulness. Originality/value – Responds to the growing need for a
dispassionate assessment of the Wikipedia and offers informed opinion to
library and information workers considering exploiting it as a reference
Liziard, D.
"Travail collaboratif avec un wiki : Pistes à partir
d’expériences de bibliothécaires." Bulletin des
bibliothèques de France vol. 52, n. 6 (2007). pp.:
sites wikis sont des outils permettant de partager rapidement de
l’information, puis de la compléter et de l’organiser progressivement. Si
ce mode de rédaction collaboratif a d’abord été popularisé à travers le
projet encyclopédique Wikipédia 1, des applications plus limitées en sont
également possibles, autour de thèmes spécifiques et de communautés
d’utilisateurs déterminées. La facilité d’utilisation et de mise en place
des wikis en fait l’un des instruments privilégiés que les professionnels
de l’information peuvent maintenant utiliser pour mutualiser leurs
connaissances ou pour accompagner leurs projets. Cet article propose
quelques conseils d’utilisation de ces sites, fondés sur les expériences
de bibliothécaires français et américains.
Llosa, S.
"De Tlön a Wikipedia: Borges, la World Wide Web , el
libro-orbe y el conocimiento contenido del universo."
Divergencias : revista de estudios lingüísticos vol. 4, n.
2 (2006). pp.:
En un
afán de enciclopedismo heredado del siglo XVIII, Wikipedia aspira a la
... Pero sigamos su rastro ahora en Wikipedia, una enciclopedia que
Luyt, B.
"The nature of historical representation on Wikipedia:
Dominant or alterative historiography?" Journal of the
American Society for Information Science and Technology vol. 62,
n. 6 (2011). pp. 1058-1065.
their ease of use and capability for interactivity, new media are seen as
having the potential to make visible previously marginalized voices. The
online presence of the writing of history is increasing, and this
potential would be a welcome development for the field as it would create
a much richer set of easily available historical perspectives. However,
this article suggests that the achievement of this promise is fraught
with difficulty and that a more likely outcome is a mapping of the status
quo in historical representation onto the new media. To illustrate this,
I present an analysis of the Wikipedia accounts of Singaporean and
Philippine history. For Singapore, alternative historical visions are not
as developed as those for the Philippines, and this is reflected in the
nature of the respective Wikipedia accounts. I suggest that a possible
means to achieve something more of the promise of digital media for
history is for information professionals to take a keener interest in
Wikipedia, with an eye to helping include accounts of documented
historical perspectives that are ignored by mainstream historiographical
Luyt, B. and D. Tan
"Improving Wikipedia's credibility:
References and citations in a sample of history articles."
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology vol. 61, n. 4 (2010). pp. n/a-n/a.
study evaluates how well the authors of Wikipedia history articles adhere
to the site's policy of assuring verifiability through citations. It does
so by examining the references and citations of a subset of country
histories. The findings paint a dismal picture. Not only are many claims
not verified through citations, those that are suffer from the choice of
references used. Many of these are from only a few US government Websites
or news media and few are to academic journal material. Given these
results, one response would be to declare Wikipedia unsuitable for
serious reference work. But another option emerges when we jettison
technological determinism and look at Wikipedia as a product of a wider
social context. Key to this context is a world in which information is
bottled up as commodities requiring payment for access. Equally important
is the problematic assumption that texts are undifferentiated bearers of
knowledge. Those involved in instructional programs can draw attention to
the social nature of texts to counter these assumptions and by so doing
create an awareness for a new generation of Wikipedians and Wikipedia
users of the need to evaluate texts (and hence citations) in light of the
social context of their production and use.
Luyt, B., A. Tay Chee Hsien, et al.
"Improving Wikipedia's
accuracy: Is edit age a solution?" Journal of the American
Society for Information Science and Technology vol. 59, n. 2
(2008). pp. 318-330.
Wikipedia is fast becoming a key information source for many despite
criticism that it is unreliable and inaccurate. A number of
recommendations have been made to sort the chaff from the wheat in
Wikipedia, among which is the idea of color-coding article segment edits
according to age (Cross, 2006). Using data collected as part of a wider
study published in Nature, this article examines the distribution of
errors throughout the life of a select group of Wikipedia articles. The
survival time of each ôerror editö in terms of the edit counts and days
was calculated and the hypothesis that surviving material added by older
edits is more trustworthy was tested. Surprisingly, we find that roughly
20% of errors can be attributed to surviving text added by the first
edit, which confirmed the existence of a ôfirst-moverö effect (Viegas,
Wattenberg, & Kushal, 2004) whereby material added by early edits are
less likely to be removed. We suggest that the sizable number of errors
added by early edits is simply a result of more material being added near
the beginning of the life of the article. Overall, the results do not
provide support for the idea of trusting surviving segments attributed to
older edits because such edits tend to add more material and hence
contain more errors which do not seem to be offset by greater
opportunities for error correction by later edits.
Magnus, P. D.
"Epistemology and the Wikipedia "
North American Computing and Philosophy Conference vol., n.
(2006). pp.:
Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that is written and edited entirely by
visitors to its website. I argue that we are misled when we think of it
in the same epistemic category with traditional general encyclopedias. An
empirical assessment of its reliability reveals that it varies widely
from topic to topic. So any particular claim found in it cannot be relied
on based on its source. I survey some methods that we use in assessing
specific claims and argue that the structure of the Wikipedia frustrates
Mathis, R. and O. Morand
"Les sciences de l'information et des
bibliothèques au prisme de Wikipédia " Bulletin des
Bibliothèques de France vol. 54, n. 4 (2009). pp. 27-34.
article looks at how library science is represented in Wikipedia. It
begins with a brief look back at various attempts to classify work in the
field of library science before surveying the current situation, based on
the articles in the Information and Library Science portal. The article
demonstrates that Information Science's lack of visibility on Wikipedia
is largely due to the ambivalent relationship between the Wikipedia and
library communities, and concludes by arguing that librarians should
engage more fully with the online encyclopaedia. Adapted from the source
Mattila, M.
"Studying Corporate Social Responsibility in Finland:
Genuine Gesture or Pursuit of a Big(ger) Profit?" Social
Responsibility Journal vol. 2, n. 2 (2006). pp. 159-164.
Corporate Social Responsibility is a crucial element of today's company
strategies. Today's heightened interest in the proper role of businesses
in society has been promoted by increased sensitivity to environmental
and ethical issues
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate social responsibility) . CSR
is said to be good for society and good for business. Better
understanding of the potential benefits of CSR for the competitiveness of
individual companies and for national economies can help encourage the
spread of CSR practice. Business and society are interdependent. The
wellbeing of one depends on the wellbeing of the other,
http://www.societyandbusiness.gov.uk/html) Especially in big
companies and corporations it's seen as a vital tool to promote and
improve the public image. Companies are called “corporate citizens”. This
study concentrates in three companies in Finland: forest industry,
banking and market. This paper is a part of a dissertation about company
values. Data is gathered by interviewing personnel in the head office and
at the local level in companies with multiple hierarchial
McKenna, B.
"Wikipedia just as [`]wiki' as ever, says
Wales." Infosecurity Today vol. 3, n. 6
(2006). pp. 6.
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales told delegates to a recent CSI infosec
conference in Florida to beware news stories about his organization
locking down content. Wales cited a New York Times story that anyone can
edit Wikipedia entries and a BBC story that the site was ‘not as wiki as
it used to be’ as examples of press disinformation.
McKenna, B.
"Wikipedia just as æwikiÆ as ever, says
Wales." Infosecurity Today vol. 3, n. 6
(2006). pp. 6.
Wikipedia just as æwikiÆ as ever, says Wales
McKenna, B.
"Wikipedia just as GÇÿwikiGÇÖ as ever, says
Wales." Infosecurity Today vol. 3, n. 6
(2006). pp. 6.
Wikipedia just as GÇÿwikiGÇÖ as ever, says Wales
McKiernan, G.
"WikimediaWorlds." Library Hi Tech
News vol. 22, n. 8 (2005). pp. 46-54.
article of part 1 of a two part series on wikis. Part 1 focuses on
wikipedia. Design/methodology/approach – The article is prepared by a
library professional and provides a summary of the main features.
Findings – A wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to
freely create and edit web page content using any web browser. Wiki
supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages
and crosslinks between internal pages on the fly. Originality/value –
This article is a useful summary of a development of interest to library
and information management professionals.
Medelyan, O. and C. Legg
"Integrating Cyc and Wikipedia:
Folksonomy meets rigorously defined common-sense."
Proceedings of the WIKI-AI: Wikipedia and AI Workshop at the
AAAI vol. 8, n. (2008). pp.:
Integration of ontologies begins with establishing mappings between their
concept entries. We map categories from the largest manually-built
ontology, Cyc, onto Wikipedia articles describing corresponding concepts.
Our method draws both on Wikipedia’s rich but chaotic hyperlink structure
and Cyc’s carefully defined taxonomic and common-sense knowledge. On
9,333 manual alignments by one person, we achieve an F-measure of 90%; on
100 alignments by six human subjects the average agreement of the method
with the subject is close to their agreement with each other. We cover
62.8% of Cyc categories relating to common-sense knowledge and discuss
what further information might be added to Cyc given this substantial new
Neri, C.
"Wikipedia: la estrella del universo
colaborativo." Lodigita vol., n. (2006).
buen plan docente permitiría a los alumnos participar desde el aula de un
proyecto de trabajo colaborativo a distancia, similar al de la Wikipedia,
con criterios y políticas editoriales consensuados, con un punto de vista
neutral y garantizado por el debate y los aportes individuales.
Okoli, C. and W. Oh
"Investigating recognition-based performance
in an open content community: A social capital perspective."
Information & Management vol. 44, n. 3 (2007).
pp. 240-252.
As the
open source movement grows, it becomes important to understand the
dynamics that affect the motivation of participants who contribute their
time freely to such projects. One important motivation that has been
identified is the desire for formal recognition in the open source
community. We investigated the impact of social capital in participants’
social networks on their recognition-based performance; i.e., the formal
status they are accorded in the community. We used a sample of 465 active
participants in the Wikipedia open content encyclopedia community to
investigate the effects of two types of social capital and found that
network closure, measured by direct and indirect ties, had a significant
positive effect on increasing participants’ recognition-based
performance. Structural holes had mixed effects on participants’ status,
but were generally a source of social capital.
Olof, S.
"Janitors of Knowledge: Constructing Knowledge in the
Everyday Life of Wikipedia Editors." Journal of
Documentation vol. 67, n. 5 (2011). pp. 6-6.
Purpose - The aim of this article is to explore how trustworthy knowledge
claims in Wikipedia are constructed by focusing on the everyday practices
of Wikipedia editors. The article focuses particularly on the role of
references to external sources for the stabilisation of knowledge in
Wikipedia. Design/methodology/approach - The study is inspired by online
ethnography. It includes eleven Wikipedia editors, together with the
sociotechnical resources in Wikipedia. The material was collected through
interviews, online observations, web documents and discussions, and
e-mail questions. The analysis was carried out from a perspective of
science and technology studies (STS). Findings - Wikipedia can be
regarded as a laboratory for knowledge construction in which the already
published is being recycled. The references to external sources anchor
the participatory encyclopaedia in the ecology of established media and
attribute trust to the knowledge published. The policy on Verifiability
is analysed as an obligatory passage point to which all actors have to
adjust. Active Wikipedia editors can be seen as akin to janitors of
knowledge, as they are the ones who, through their hands-on activities,
keep Wikipedia stable. Originality/value - The study develops an
innovative understanding of the knowledge construction culture in one of
the most popular sources for information on the internet. By highlighting
the ways in which trust is established in Wikipedia, a more reflexive use
of the participatory encyclopaedia is made possible. This is of value for
information literacy training.
Oreg, S. and O. Nov
"Exploring motivations for contributing to
open source initiatives: The roles of contribution context and personal
values." Computers in Human Behavior vol. In
Press, Corrected Proof, n.: pp.:
explore contextual and dispositional correlates of the motivation to
contribute to open source initiatives. We examine how the context of the
open source project, and the personal values of contributors, are related
to the types of motivations for contributing. A web-based survey was
administered to 300 contributors in two prominent open source contexts:
software and content. As hypothesized, software contributors placed a
greater emphasis on reputation-gaining and self-development motivations,
compared with content contributors, who placed a greater emphasis on
altruistic motives. Furthermore, the hypothesized relationships were
found between contributors’ personal values and their motivations for
Pressley, L. and C. J. McCallum
"Putting the LIBRARY in
WIKIPEDIA." Online vol. 32, n. 5 (2008). pp.
online resources provoke as much controversy in the library community as
Wikipedia. Some librarians hate it, arguing that since anyone can edit
it, it can't be trusted. Others love it, because it is fast, easy to use,
and a good starting point for research. With such a conflicted
relationship, there's no clear answer as to where (or whether) Wikipedia
belongs in libraries. People access library Web sites less frequently now
than in the past. A possible explanation for the decline is that people
do not find libraries' Web sites to be content rich. Wikipedia is clearly
an important resource for users. Many start their research on the Web
site and contact the library afterward for more information. Libraries
are beginning to take advantage of this user behavior by contributing
content to the encyclopedia. It is clear that with a little bit of
planning and preparation, libraries can begin to impact entries and
categories within Wikipedia.
Priedhorsky, R., J. Chen, et al.
"Creating, Destroying, and
Restoring Value in Wikipedia." University of
Minesota vol., n. (2006). pp.:
Wikipedia’s brilliance and curse is that any user can edit any of the
encyclopedia entries. We introduce the notion of the impact of an edit,
measured by the number of times the edited version is viewed. Using
several datasets, including recent logs of all article views, we show
that frequent editors dominate what people see when they visit Wikipedia,
and that this domination is increasing. Similarly, using the same
impact measure, we show that the probability of a typ- ical article view
being damaged is small but increasing, and we present empirically
grounded classes of damage. Finally, we make policy recommendations for
Wikipedia and other wikis in light of these findings.
Rainie, L. and B. Tancer
"A Profile of Wikipedia Users."
Pew Internet & American Life Project vol., n.
(2007). pp.:
36% of
online American adults consult Wikipedia It is particularly popular with
the well-educated and current college-age students More than a third of
American adult internet users (36%) consult the citizen-generated online
encyclopedia Wikipedia, according to a new nationwide survey by the Pew
Internet & American Life Project. And on a typical day in the winter
of 2007, 8% of online Americans consulted Wikipedia.
Rector, L. H.
"Comparison of Wikipedia and other encyclopedias
for accuracy, breadth, and depth in historical articles."
Reference Services Review vol. 36, n. 1 (2008). pp.
paper seeks to provide reference librarians and faculty with evidence
regarding the comprehensiveness and accuracy of Wikipedia articles
compared with respected reference resources. Design/methodology/approach
– This content analysis evaluated nine Wikipedia articles against
comparable articles in Encyclopaedia Britannica, The Dictionary of
American History and American National Biography Online in order to
compare Wikipedia's comprehensiveness and accuracy. The researcher used a
modification of a stratified random sampling and a purposive sampling to
identify a variety of historical entries and compared each text in terms
of depth, accuracy, and detail. Findings – The study did reveal
inaccuracies in eight of the nine entries and exposed major flaws in at
least two of the nine Wikipedia articles. Overall, Wikipedia's accuracy
rate was 80 percent compared with 95-96 percent accuracy within the other
sources. This study does support the claim that Wikipedia is less
reliable than other reference resources. Furthermore, the research found
at least five unattributed direct quotations and verbatim text from other
sources with no citations. Research limitations/implications – More
research must be undertaken to analyze Wikipedia entries in other
disciplines in order to judge the source's accuracy and overall quality.
This paper also shows the need for analysis of Wikipedia articles'
histories and editing process. Practical implications – This research
provides a methodology for further content analysis of Wikipedia
articles. Originality/value – Although generalizations cannot be made
from this paper alone, the paper provides empirical data to support
concerns regarding the accuracy and authoritativeness of
Romeo Molina, A.
"Locapedias: generación de conocimiento local de
manera colaborativa." SEDIC vol., n. (2007).
pp. 59-69.
Wikipedia has become the biggest encyclopedia ever made in the world.
With more than four million articles written in hundreds of languages,
Wikipedia is nowadays one of the five internet well-known branches in the
world. In 2004, following the Wikipedia model, Alfredo Romeo suggests the
launching of ?locapedias?, based on the voluntary and collaborative model
of contributors, with the aim of creating the biggest knowledge centre
ever written about a local area. In 2005 the first ?locapedia?,
Cordobapedia, is founded. About two years later, 12 locapedias can be
found in Spain, with about 20000 local articles made in a collaborative
way. As time goes by, locapedias will probably represent for cities and
regions the same as wikipedia has achieved: the largest reference
web-site for local knowledge in any city with a locapedia. For
locapedias, the fact that public institutions, as libraries or local
archives, head these proyects could be the needed guaranteed mark to
consolidate a movement of local-free knowleadge creation, which will be
the reference for the society we are unstoppable going to: the knowledge
Ruiz-Casado, M., E. Alfonseca, et al.
"Automatising the learning
of lexical patterns: An application to the enrichment of WordNet by
extracting semantic relationships from Wikipedia: Advances on Natural
Language Processing - NLDB 05." Data & Knowledge
Engineering vol. 61, n. 3 (2007). pp. 484-499.
paper describes an automatic approach to identify lexical patterns that
represent semantic relationships between concepts in an on-line
encyclopedia. Next, these patterns can be applied to extend existing
ontologies or semantic networks with new relations. The experiments have
been performed with the Simple English Wikipedia and WordNet 1.7. A new
algorithm has been devised for automatically generalising the lexical
patterns found in the encyclopedia entries. We have found general
patterns for the hyperonymy, hyponymy, holonymy and meronymy relations
and, using them, we have e...
Fuente: Biblioteca Universidad de Salamanca. Info Trad Doc.